Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tests, Texting, and Testiness

Random thoughts of a cluttered mind....

- When did my most frustrating moments become my inability to text a person as fast as I could say the same thing by calling? and...

- Why do I insist on texting them anyway?

- When I tested my kids on information they learned last year, Naomi's comment was "Dad, my brain is getting too full."

- Am I getting frustrated because it's been a long year of school, or because I realize the kids are a year closer to leaving me and I've wasted countless chances to bond with them?

- (For teens only) How can you send 1000 texts in one month? Do you have some kind of training program? Is their a textathon somewhere my teenage son is preparing for?

- At what point did my favorite phrase become, "It's not like I'm so much older than you, but..."

- The highlight of any man's day is finding two matching socks on the first dig into the mismatch sock basket. (Admit it, you've got one too.)

- Proof that I should make the kids pay for stuff...

Marcus - "Name something in life that isn't free."

Naomi - "well, everything in my life is free b'cause my parents pay for everything."

- The simpler a concept is, the more you have to explain it.

- The only time I miss childhood is when I'm witnessing someone wasting theirs.

- At this pace of life, I have to get to know myself everyday for fear I'll forget who I am.

- What could God do with our lives if we weren't in the way?

Looking unto the hills,

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The future is on a 3.5 inch screen.

Since I have been unable to consistently blog with my laptop, maybe my
new iPod touch will motivate me to write more often. It seems all our
technology is designed to make our eyes unable to focus on anything
bigger than our hand.

We are completing our science fair abstracts, after successfully
spilling enough soda to start a bottling company. The kids chose to
replay the diet coke and mentor soda geyser experiment made famous by
Mythbusters and youtube videos. Maybe not the most practical of
topics, but certainly not a boring one. It also gave us opportunity to
work on the scientific method, which I was worried about not covering

As for family life, Miki and I continue to weigh our options. We both
see the need for more time for ourselves, but it's always a struggle
to break away long enough to really recharge. Jesus made a habit of
taking time for prayer away from the crowds, so we have to be able to
leave the kids in good hands once in a while and regroup as a couple
for both faith and fun. I mean, He was all God and man, so I know we
mere mortals need rest too. Now to schedule that is another story.

Looking unto the hills...
