Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ernesto Who?

Wow. Imagine being grateful for a tropical storm. In the past two days we have had non stop coverage about Katrina' s one year anniversary, and meanwhile my family has had essentially a weekend within the week of relaxation due to all the Tropical Storm Ernesto closings.  My wife and I actually built the drawers to the boys' remodeling project that was supposed to be done by summer's end, and the kids got to try out their podcasting skills without the hustle of getting to tutoring on time.  In all, it's another proof that God blesses us in weird ways sometimes.  

Of course, I didn't really rest.  Not R-E-S-T, the kind that you have to shake yourself out of in order to start going again.  This may seem a continual refrain for me.  It's a constant struggle not to try to fill every single day with every single project and complete it.  So today I did make a consicous effort not to neglect the kids.  I sat with my wife and Naomi as they cleaned her room - which is always a two person project at least - and helped get my oldest son on the wireless internet, which always adds cool points for being the techno wizard of the house. It doesn't take a whole lot - though  I of course can do more - but it is a refreshing feeling to know that I was not just a drill sargent today barking orders and stealing the fun out of an unexpected vacation day.  Besides, so much work awaits me on the other side of unexpected rest that I know I better take advantage of it next time, because the next storm may be a long way off - or next week.  In Florida you never know.  

I have to include a podcast update.   I think the kids and I are going to separate our shows.  They want a more kid friendly show, while I really want to include some tips for dads and parents. So...we'll try both.  My podcast is waiting on some more info about structure - the kids are compiling information using a template from Radio Willowweb - shout out to you guys too. Seems like last year I had no web presence at all - now I have 4 sites to keep up with.  Go figure.

Smiles and Blessings and look to the hills from whence cometh your help (Psalm 121).


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