Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Return to contemplation...

Once again it's a late night and I've returned to the quiet, insomina-influenced musings about life. It's a shame that I'm going to pay dearly in the morning for this time that is often my only chance to truly unwind. Perhaps that is an indictment on my busy lifestyle, or, (as I'd prefer) a revelation that I shouldn't have to go to work so early.

The kids are gearing down - or up, depending how you look at it - for summer. It's inevitable that as May approaches that the thoughts turn more to completion and wrapping up things instead of starting them. I've been trying gamely to squeeze in one more unit study of Kitchen Science and have the kids do their final podcast of the year. The time might be better spent reviewing the last 8 months and making sure we've covered everything we wanted to cover this year, but the kids love to cook and there are some concepts about matter and energy I can tell they are still confused about. Next year comes the major decision on whether to enter our third year of homeschooling. Our schedule this year was challenging to say the least, and Naomi did not go as far as I would have liked in math or grammar. We've always known that Marcus is better at independent work than Naomi, but I am feeling the normal pangs of doubt about considering public school again. Obviously I have to give myself more time to consider what we've really accomplished and how well the children are applying their learning to everyday life, which was the point all long.

The key that I find myself returning to what we've gained through homeschooling. My quiet moments talking with my daughter while waiting for a speech therapy class to end; listening to the kids engage in a serious discussion on how best to structure their nursery business (their clients - 18 various puppies and teddy bear dolls), and of course, the various 'aha' moments that may be far and few between, but are worth it everytime they occur. Homeschooling forces me to constantly consider my children first in each family decision. And I admit I am scared and ashamed of the fact that without that motivation it would be very easy to lower their deserved priority. As a dad it is a challenge and a continual reminder that no matter where my children are schooled (*including my 15 year old high schooler), they must be constantly at the front of my agenda. As simple and obvious as that sounds, I prefer to refer back to it as a new revelation every day.

Looking unto the hills,

1 comment:

Savannah said...

Hello, my awesome cousin! I've not been this way in a while, but I'm always encouraged when I stopped by. I am sorry to hear that Christopher is not flourishing right now in the public school system, but now is the time to pray and to fast so that whatever spirit is lurking there can be broken before the school year ends. I know that the Lord will give you the words of wisdom to use with him.

The fruit of homeschooling looks very different than that of traditional school systems, but it is so much sweeter. I am constantly reminded of the value of simply spending time with your children, talking to them and listening. As their primary source of socialization, we have a wonderful opportunity, even with the simplest things, to change their world, and in so doing, change the world around them. That doesn't even begin to describe what we have the chance to do academically!

We're planning to see your mom and dad next month, provided that we can get them on the phone (smile). We'll keep your family lifted up, and we continue to be thankful for you as a part of our lives.