Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time's Up

A rare morning post.

I know I just wrote that 5 AM was too early to be getting up to work out, but I immediately realized after writing that most of the time I'd be up by 6 anyway, so it was a bit disingenuous. This morning I awoke, tried to go to the family room where I have my devotional time, and found it buried in papers and things to file. So in order to put God first, I had to clean up the area where I meet Him. I think there's a lesson in that somewhere.

As for homeschooling, I've come to the conclusion that I have to get on the ball concerning the kids' academic choices this year. We've kind of done it backwards in that they've already chosen extra curricular activities - Marcus is taking Public Speaking, Guitar, Ceramics, and Sports at our Friday classes at Riverside, while Naomi opted for 'Miami CSI' (forensics), Baton Twirling and Cake Decorating - but I'm still undecided on our core curricula. Language Arts still seems to be Naomi's Achilles' heel. I've taken a close look at Sonlight and Four in a Row, but I'm not convinced there's enough of the intergration between literature and critical thinking that I'd like to see. My approach has always been to avoid the mundane workbook style questions you see in so many texts. In the last workbook I bought for her, I found sentences that seemed to come right out of a UN manifesto, like"The four countries agreed to make a treaty to reduce pollution" (reference to Kyoto). Meanwhile, not one sentence referred to a business or to someone working in the private sector.

Since public school is now in session, the pressure begins to keep up, even as I try to maintain our own pace and direction. I'm glad to say that my wife fills in the gap while I rummage through the decision making process. She finds review work through and other sites that keeps them busy for the first two weeks. The tricky thing about unit studies is not running into points where you cover subjects but not skills, so my effort will be to combine the two as well as possible. I'll be sure to post after I finish my research and make a decision - I'd love some comments or suggestions from anyone who's in the same boat I am.

Looking unto the hills,


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